1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 29, 2012 5:01 PM by nt2005

    a4j:commandButton disabled delay oncomplete - How?


      Hello Community,


      I am using Richfaces 3.3.3 and I like to add a delay to a button after the request is finish. I am not very good in javascript but I tried something like this:

      <a4j:commandButton value="Start" action="#{foo.start}" reRender="panel"
       onclick="this.disabled=true" oncomplete="setTimeout('this.disabled=false;',3500)">

      It does not work. the button never get enable again...


      What would best:

      rerender when oncomplete is called and after 3-4 secounds the button should enable again. Anyone have an idea?


      Thanks in advance.

        • 1. Re: a4j:commandButton disabled delay oncomplete - How?

          <a4j:commandButton id="start" value="Start"



                              onclick="this.disabled=true" oncomplete="enableStartButton()">


          <a4j:jsFunction name="enableStartButton" ajaxSingle="true" requestDelay="3000" reRender="start"/>


          Got it. Thanks anyway.