0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 13, 2012 2:52 AM by bart.verdonck

    Multiple war's in one container isolation issues on Linux



      • jboss AS7
      • seam2
      • multiple wars are deployed in one installation
      • virtual hosting is applied
        • app1.test.com
        • app2.test.com
      • problems only occurs on linux, when starting exact same (copy) jboss on windows all is fine.



      • in app1.test.com a mapping is defined in pages.xml <page view-id="/*" action="#{blaabInterceptor}">
        • when browsing to app1.test.com all is fine
        • when browsing to app2.test.com, I get NoClassDefErrors on blaabInterceptor
        • how is this possible, I thought there was module seperation in jboss7. How come that a url from app2 is detected by app1, but then gives errors?
      • when surpassing this problem by not using /*, I get other problems related to classpathloading. As a general rule, the application that is first browsed to is fine, the others fail trying to execute stuff they don't have a full classpath for.



      Can someone guide me to some configuration settings to clearly seperate those applications? Why do I only have problems on a linux machine and not on a windows.


      Thanks for your thoughts.