1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 13, 2012 7:55 AM by lfryc

    Drone configuration simplification


      Hi guys,


      I would like to bring attention to complexity and limitations of the current configuration of Drone extension,


      E.g. for development, where developer needs to change browser imlementation easily, using


      <property name="implementationClass">org.openqa.selenium.webdriver.FirefoxDriver</property>


      is real pain in the ass.




      On the other hand, there are reports than the current configuration lacks some options, it would be nice to address these problems together.


      Let's brainstorm here:







      I assume the configuration have lacks also in the way of configuration wrt. continuous integration environment.


      Could you please think of your area of usage and brain-storm about what configuration interface you would appreciate?





      ~ Lukas

        • 1. Re: Drone configuration simplification

          I would like to target the state, where we could:


          • change browser just with its name
            • firefox, chrome, htmlunit
            • with fallback to implementationClass
          • consider regular and remote usage the same (which could be switched just with remote property)
          • I'm working on reusability of session allowing fast development turnaround
            • so new option reusable might be added


          If you can see any more uses cases which could be simplified, please write them down.