Some changes to the build configuration files have been made recently that make building locally really easy. Here are the steps to do a local build:
1. Get latest from SVN.
2. Comment out the SWTBot test plugins in tests/pom.xml. The SWTBot tests fail right now when building locally.
3. In terminal window enter these commands:
a. cd <designer-workspace-root>
b. mvn install -P jbosstools-nightly-staging-composite,jbosstools-nightly-staging-composite-soa-tooling,
1. If you don't want to run tests you can add the following option to the "mvn" command: -Dmaven.test.skip=true
2. Remember *NOT* to check-in the tests/pom.xml file that was changed above.
3. There might be a way to code the SWTBot pom.xml files such that they can be skipped automatically. If we can get that working we wouldn't need to do step 2 above. Mikael Istria pointed me to but I haven't spent any time on it.
4. Must be using Maven 3
If your SWTBot projects are in a separate modules, you can skip them them by running a profile on defined list of projects.