0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 23, 2012 12:00 PM by brunoteixa

    ADF Faces on JBoss AS 6.1.0 Final - PageContext is null




      I'm trying to migrate a WAR (using ADF Faces from OC4J to JBoss AS 6.1.0 Final. This is an old implementation of JSF 1.1 with servlet version 2.4. The WAR includes the ADF and Oracle libraries that seemed necessary, using a "trial -> classcastexception error" approach. The WAR also includes the JSPX files and the pre-compiled classes (pre-compiled with the ojsp library).


      You can find the web.xml file attached. I basically added the "org.jboss.jbossfaces.WAR_BUNDLES_JSF_IMPL" parameter and the servlet/servlet mappings for my JSPX files.


      When I try to access the page I get a NullPointerException. I checked the generated servlet code in "_main_jspx.java" and this is happening because inside the "_jspService" method the PageContext is null. The first line is returning a null value and the second one is causing the NullPoiterExpection:


      PageContext pageContext = JspFactory.getDefaultFactory().getPageContext( this, request, response, null, true, JspWriter.DEFAULT_BUFFER, true);

      HttpSession session = pageContext.getSession();


      Can anyone give any pointers of how to solve this or show me a different direction to achive the migration?


      Thank you,


      Bruno Teixeira