1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 26, 2009 9:59 PM by clebert.suconic

    Deleting a JMS property


      What is the best practice for deleting a JMS property? I have been setting the value to null, which has worked in the past (e.g., JBM 1.4). HornetQ beta 5 threw an NPE, but I see this has been silently ignored in the latest version.

      It would be helpful to have a way of accomplishing this other than with an empty string since these have different meanings. Either allowing a null value or removing the property altogether would work for my use case.

        • 1. Re: Deleting a JMS property

          On the JMS API, the only thing available is clearProperties, but that will remove all the properties.

          Using the HornetQ core API, you could do this by accessing the core message on the JMS facade:

          ((HornetQMessage)jmsMessage).getMessage().removeProperty(String key);