0 Replies Latest reply on May 2, 2012 4:55 AM by faisalloe

    JSF2+richfaces4 spring managed beans got stuck in a4j:region bypassing validation on commandlink


      got stuck really bad with jsf2Richfacesspring managed beans



      I am u sing following form with 2 regions first region saves data another dislays. When i click upon save button it by pass the validation and goes directly into action in java file.


      any idea how to fix that


      Another issue i found is that region2 which is render="reg_2" is not displaying updated values !!!!


      <h:form id="create_form" method="POST">
      <a4j:region id="reg_1">
      <h:inputText id="field_1" value="#{myBean.field}" validatorMessage="Error: provide correct input." required="true" requiredMessage="Error: field is mendatory" maxlength="3">
      <f:validateLength maximum="3"></f:validateLength>
      <rich:message for="field_1" ajaxRendered="true"></rich:message>
      <h:inputText id="field_2" value="#{myBean.field2}" validatorMessage="Error: provide correct input." required="true" requiredMessage="Error: field is mendatory" maxlength="3">
      <f:validateLength maximum="50"></f:validateLength>
      <rich:message for="field_2" ajaxRendered="true"></rich:message>
      <a4j:commandLink value="save data" action="#{myBean.save}" render="reg_2"></a4j:commandLink>
      <a4j:region id="reg_2">
      <rich:popupPanel id="add_cabin_class_popup" modal="true" autosized="true" resizeable="false" width="500">
      <h:outputText value="#{myBean.field}"></h:outputText> <h:inputText value="#{myBean.field2}"></h:inputText>
      @ some control bar i have button to open popup panel
      <a4j:commandLink action="#{myBean.resetEditForm}"  oncomplete="#.show();" styleClass="BtnLink">
      <h:outputText value="reset form"></h:outputText>*