1. Re: i18n and exception handling
clebert.suconic Apr 28, 2012 3:51 PM (in response to ataylor)I prefer the subClass. It seems cleaner.
I don't think that would cause any issues with the JMS layer since the hierarchy still the same here.
2. Re: i18n and exception handling
ataylor Apr 30, 2012 4:29 AM (in response to clebert.suconic)i agree, if no one has any objections I will start sub classing HornetException
3. Re: i18n and exception handling
ataylor May 3, 2012 7:06 AM (in response to ataylor)from email conv:
I was just wondering how to cope with the native exceptions class, Im adding sub classes so need to create a c++ class for each type. If you could point me at where the conversion is done between c and java or just give me a few hints.
Also, because i am refactoring the API, i.e. HornetQ exception, it wont be backward compatible but this is ok yeah? as the next version is a major version release 3.0
4. Re: i18n and exception handling
ataylor May 3, 2012 7:07 AM (in response to ataylor)cleberts reply:
Old client needs to be backward compatible. I don't see an issue on the API change here. We will need old clients to talk to new servers. Also I don't think that class will be serialized over the wire.
The AIOException class that you see on the native code is a pure C++ exception and it's not exposed towards the Java layer.
There aren't many exceptions though. Most of the time errors will be sent through callbacks on the AIOCallback. However during initialization states we may eventually see exceptions (like not support file, can't open file, things more brutal)
There's a function on JavaUtilities.cpp. It's doing a findClass and setting the method directly.
I can replace that by a callback on AsyncFileImpl, so the creation will be done in java instead. It would be a simple change and I can do it as soon as I'm done with this patch (and have finished merging my stuff). i.e. early next week.
Here's the function from JavaUtilities.cpp
void throwException(JNIEnv * env, const int code, const char * message)
jclass exceptionClass = env->FindClass("org/hornetq/api/core/HornetQException");
if (exceptionClass==NULL)
std::cerr << "Couldn't throw exception message:= " << message << "\n";
throwRuntimeException (env, "Can't find Exception class");
jmethodID constructor = env->GetMethodID(exceptionClass, "<init>", "(ILjava/lang/String;)V");
if (constructor == NULL)
std::cerr << "Couldn't find the constructor ***";
throwRuntimeException (env, "Can't find Constructor for Exception");
jstring strError = env->NewStringUTF(message);
jthrowable ex = (jthrowable)env->NewObject(exceptionClass, constructor, code, strError);
5. Re: i18n and exception handling
ataylor May 3, 2012 7:14 AM (in response to ataylor)Old client needs to be backward compatible. I don't see an issue on the API change here. We will need old clients to talk to new servers. Also I don't think that class will be serialized over the wire.
HornetQException is serializable and does get serialized to the client so when I remove all the error type codes I this will break backward compatibility, however i thought that between major versions we didnt have to worry about this? I was actually going to remove the type and replace with an enum like so:
public enum HornetQExceptionType
int type;
HornetQExceptionType(int type)
this.type = type
This would only be used as a way of tracking the codes we use tho and in tests to check for exception types, rather than changing all the tests to catch specific exceptions.
I can replace that by a callback on AsyncFileImpl, so the creation will be done in java instead. It would be a simple change and I can do it as soon as I'm done with this patch (and have finished merging my stuff). i.e. early next week.
Ok, I will add the appropriate classes and we can change the native layer later
6. Re: i18n and exception handling
clebert.suconic May 3, 2012 11:33 AM (in response to ataylor)These are the exceptions I may throw from Native:
#define NATIVE_ERROR_IO 006
they match to what's defined on HornetQException
201 and 202 are basically the same.. just a slight variation
203 and 204 are also similar
205 is a native error from AIO...
206 - it's a native error from libaio
208 - that could be considered an IO exception. the disk is full when prefilling a file.
209 - Out Of Memory on native layer
006 - simple IO error
211 - this shouldn't happen on our case as we safeguard the libaio with a semaphore on the java layer. but the native code is also testing for it. it could be exchanged by a general native error.
7. Re: i18n and exception handling
borges May 3, 2012 11:36 AM (in response to ataylor)Hi,
Just some comments (on what we were discussing at IRC).
There is one very good argument for having sub-types: it makes for proper exception handling in Java, and as HornetQ has checked exceptions, I guess users are supposed to handle them. There is one minor problem with sub-types which is that they create a lot of boiler-plate code.
I was initially against the sub-types, and for some "umbrela" sub-types which would work with different codes (e.g. HornetQNativeException). Andy made a good argument by asking whether users would need to differentiate these (same exception class, different exception code value) in their code. I guess the answer to that is that we should not have different code values for exceptions which do not need to be differentiated in error handling code.
So vote for adding the sub-classes with an optional reduction in the number codes we have (we should really only have codes that users need to write error handling against, anything more than that can be infered from the stack trace or message).
8. Re: i18n and exception handling
ataylor May 3, 2012 12:28 PM (in response to borges)here is what i will do, I will finish up the work tomorrow and send a PR, you can both review this (without pulling) and I will make any changes suggested