1. Re: mod_jk is causing failure in formbased authentication in JBoss AS7.1.1 Final and JBoss AS7.1.0.Final
gerry.matte Mar 12, 2012 3:24 PM (in response to jaysensharma)1 of 1 people found this helpfulA short while ago I reported my frustration trying to implement Ldap authentication. See https://community.jboss.org/message/719648#719648
Look at the final few paragraphs starting with "One more update...."
Your posting has opened a new possibility for me since I am also using Apache and mod_jk with form based authentication.
I suggest that you test the work around I found:
Perform the form authentication until you see the blank page that users should never see.
Then open a new browser tab and browse to the protected page that your authentication was applying to.
You may find that you are granted access as should have happened when the credentials were posted.
I believe that the redirect after successful authentication is not happening and that's why we see a blank page instead of the intended protected page. I never suspected that mod_jk might be the culprit however.
If you post the results and your testing shows the same results, one of us should then post a jira.
BTW, obviously the work around is impractical for end users but it does allow the developer to carry on testing while others fix the bug.
2. Re: mod_jk is causing failure in formbased authentication in JBoss AS7.1.1 Final and JBoss AS7.1.0.Final
jaysensharma Mar 12, 2012 4:47 PM (in response to gerry.matte)Hi Gerry,
Yes, After seeing the BLANK page ( "http://localhost/FormBasedAuth1/protected/j_security_check" ) The redirection is not happening for the secured resource automatically . I have to open a separete TAB in the same browser to see the secured resource. Which means the authentication was successful but the automatic redirection did not happen which caused BLANK page to appear on the browser after the successful authentication.
This looks like a Bug for sure. I created a JIRA for this : https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AS7-4149
Jay SenSharma
3. Re: mod_jk is causing failure in formbased authentication in JBoss AS7.1.1 Final and JBoss AS7.1.0.Final
wilsonfu Mar 19, 2012 5:13 AM (in response to jaysensharma)I have also encourtered this issue these days, while migrating to JBoss 7.
Do you have any workaround for this?
Any hints are very much appreciated!
4. Re: mod_jk is causing failure in formbased authentication in JBoss AS7.1.1 Final and JBoss AS7.1.0.Final
wilsonfu Mar 19, 2012 10:37 PM (in response to wilsonfu)Just checked that the problem is due to the ajp setting.
Sympton: Instead of redirecting to a protected page after successful login, it redirects to ajp://<proected page>
In the configuration, change
<connector name="ajp" protocol="AJP/1.3" scheme="ajp" socket-binding="ajp"/>
<connector name="ajp" protocol="AJP/1.3" scheme="http" socket-binding="ajp"/>
would solve the problem.
5. Re: mod_jk is causing failure in formbased authentication in JBoss AS7.1.1 Final and JBoss AS7.1.0.Final
exclam77 May 6, 2012 4:53 AM (in response to wilsonfu)You are a hero! :-) Saved my day.
I had the same issue, but did not see the redirect information in the request. Just saw a failing POST request to j_security_check.
thank you, even 2 years later.
6. Re: mod_jk is causing failure in formbased authentication in JBoss AS7.1.1 Final and JBoss AS7.1.0.Final
ifti24 Nov 29, 2012 4:29 AM (in response to wilsonfu)Thank you so much. I also had the same problem. But now solved using your suggestion.