2 Replies Latest reply on May 9, 2012 6:47 AM by ma.aqcon

    Open rich:popupPanel from dynamic button


      Hi All,


      I upgraded my application from Richfaces 3.3.3 CR1 to Richfaces 4.2.0.Final and JSF 2.0. I have now the following problem:


      when i m trying to open a popupPanel from a dynamic code generated in server side i m getting the following JS error "# illegal character". Please check the below code:


      UICommandButton cmdBtn = new UICommandButton();

      cmdBtn .setValue("Select");

      cmdBtn .setId("cmdBtnId");

      cmdBtn .setOnclick("#{rich:component('popupPanel')}.show();");


      how can i solve this issue and get the rich:popupPanel displayed?



      Ram ram