2 Replies Latest reply on May 17, 2012 12:22 PM by simonpl

    JAXWS handlers on OneWay SOAP actions


      I'm using JbossWS Native 3.1.1 on Jboss AS 4.2.3 and I am developing a suite of JAXWS handlers that tracks the runtime performance of web services. I ran into a bit of an issue with a JAXWS service that uses a number of OneWay transactions. Escentially, the handler chain does not fire off on a OneWay transaction which leaves by performance analyzier that I wrote in a funky state. Is there anyway to change or force the running of a handler in JbossWS (any variant) (to at least get the http response code and a timestamp) or is there a way to detect if the executed method is in fact a OneWay method in order to handle this situation correctly?

        • 1. Re: JbossWS handlers on OneWay SOAP actions

          One story short, there is a way to determine  One Way transactions, but it's not pretty. Here's the basic outline

          1) open an http connection to the web service

          2) pull the wsdl

          3) parse it with wsdl4j

          4) iterate through each service, port, then operation, until you find the one being executed.

          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: JbossWS handlers on OneWay SOAP actions

            I haven't had experience with one-way web service operations and handlers but since http response is send anyway maybe you can use outside filter on all ws calls - then you can measure the operation end time. I've been trying this in my jboss performance tests.


            One maybe useful hint - I've encountered many problems during time measurements of jboss webservices (I could not match request and response if there were large number of simultaneous calls - it seemed that some got lost) and finally decided to use client test tool(in my case it was jmeter). This method gave much more objective and complete results.