1 Reply Latest reply on May 23, 2012 3:31 AM by jpapouse

    Disabled menuGroup within dropDownMenu appears only on every second mouse over


      I have the following simple xhtml.





      <!DOCTYPE html>

      <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"






      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />









                        <rich:dropDownMenu mode="ajax">

                              <f:facet name="label">


                                         <h:outputText value="Detail" />



                              <rich:menuGroup label="Group" disabled="#{true}" />








      When I move the mouse to the label named “Detail”, the menuGroup labled with “Group” only appears on every second mouse over. This means:

      1. Move mouse over “Detail” -> “Group” appears
      2. Move mouse away from “Details”
      3. Move mouse over “Detail” -> “Group” does not appears
      4. Move mouse away from “Details”
      5. Move mouse over “Detail” -> “Group” appears
      6. … and so forth.


      This described behavior only happens when menuGroup is disabled. When menuGroup is enabled, it appears as expected on every mouse over.


      I guess this is a bug. Should I raise an issue?


      Regards, Georg

        • 1. Re: Disabled menuGroup within dropDownMenu appears only on every second mouse over

          Yes, it's a bug. Pleas, create a new issue (and attach the link to this discussion).


          I've extended your example as follows:


                          <rich:dropDownMenu mode="ajax">
                              <f:facet name="label">
                                      <h:outputText value="Detail" />
                              <rich:menuGroup label="Group 1" disabled="true" />
                              <rich:menuGroup label="Group 2" />
                          <rich:dropDownMenu mode="ajax">
                              <f:facet name="label">
                                      <h:outputText value="Detail 2" />
                              <rich:menuGroup label="Group 1" disabled="true" />
                          <rich:dropDownMenu mode="ajax">
                              <f:facet name="label">
                                      <h:outputText value="Detail 3" />
                              <rich:menuGroup label="Group 1" disabled="true" />
                              <rich:menuGroup label="Group 2" disabled="true" />
                              <rich:menuGroup label="Group 3" disabled="true" />


          If the a dropDownMenu contains another (enabled) menuGroup, it works correctly.