I've hacked up a little Showcase view for arquillian.org based on the arquillian-showcase examples.
In short what the Extension do:
* Run through all Examples in the Showcase
* Extract metadata from poms (name, description, profiles)
* Scan through all *.java files to find import statements (API's in use)
* Match import statements against known package names (Technologies) (CDI(javax.enterprise), EJB(javax.ejb))
* Extract Class level JavaDoc from Test/TestCase java files
* Use example modules README file as example content if it exists
The Showcase Index page lists Examples Grouped By Technology.
Known bugs:
* multi line code examples in README is not removing white space on 2. > line
* Modal window popups in "TEST CASES" section does not work if "Run Examples" has been pressed(click unregisted?)
* "API'S IN USE" section is way to wide to be where it is
* Strange Index page layout
* Not all Examples have README files. These are marked with a angry Ike in on the index page
Currently the Showcase reuse fully the Guide style, which kinda works, but should be tweaked some..
staging site: http://staging-arquillian.rhcloud.com/showcase/
source: https://github.com/aslakknutsen/arquillian.github.com/tree/showcase
comments on layout, content etc etc are very welcome..
Forgot to add some examples of the 'working' ones (with README):