1. Re: Creating a presentation material repository
aslak Jun 4, 2012 10:22 AM (in response to rajonjava)We should be able to pull in Arquillian related slides from e.g. SlideShare via their APIs and display them similar as the Videos.
Same with Lanyrd, when an Event has attached 'meterials' we can show them. This is mostly only available on old events, since slides are rarely released/done upfront.
We might want to consider merging a Slides page and the Video page into one 'entry' point 'somehow' on Arquillian.org. Video Recording / Slides / Interviews / PodCasts / Events are jsut different 'item' types.
These are all related to displaying old/finished presentations, but we should consider getting our 'Slides Meterial' Repository up and running as well. Not sure if this should be a part of the artwork repository.
This ties back to our new(to come), presentation tool chain. We need to be able to separate between textual content, graphical content, presentation flow, speaker notes etc, so others can reuse and reassamble the base material much easier.