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1. Re: Tracking of web login state in JBoss AS 7.1.1
jfclere Jun 5, 2012 4:11 AM (in response to sfcoy)well
request.getSession(true); creates session and login()
authenticate user that are 2 different things. -
2. Re: Tracking of web login state in JBoss AS 7.1.1
sfcoy Jun 5, 2012 4:18 AM (in response to jfclere)If I leave out the request.getSession(true);, subsequent requests to protected resources fail with a 403.
3. Re: Tracking of web login state in JBoss AS 7.1.1
jfclere Jun 6, 2012 4:13 AM (in response to sfcoy)Because you need to create a session.
4. Re: Tracking of web login state in JBoss AS 7.1.1
sfcoy Jun 6, 2012 4:49 AM (in response to jfclere)I don't need to explicitly create a session for form based or BASIC authentication.
The spec (13.3) says:
The login method allows an application to perform username and password collection (as an alternative to Form-Based Login).
and (13.10)
Containers may create HTTP Session objects to track login state.
This led me to believe that login state will be tracked between requests.
I know that WebSphere, for example, does not use the HttpSession for tracking login state. It uses a separate cookie instead.