0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 7, 2012 9:28 AM by kdolan1

    when jboss 7 is available vs. when apps are deployed


      I kind of have 2 questions around this topic.


      I have a task of upgrading a JBoss 4.0.1sp1 environment to JBoss 7.1.1 Final.


      In the JBoss 4.0.1sp1 environment,

      a) on start of JBoss the "Started" message does not appear until after all applications in the deploy folder have deployed

      b) the conf/log4j.xml file is configured such that the "Started" message is logged to a particular appender (see category below)


      <!-- This class logs the "Server Startup Complete" message -->

      <category name="org.jboss.system.server.Server">

         <priority value="INFO"/>

         <appender-ref ref="STATUS"/>



      In the JBoss 7 environment,

      a) on start of JBoss the "Started" message appears before applications currently in the deployments folder are deployed

      b) the standalone.xml if configured such that the "Started" message is logged to a particular appender (see logger below) , it does not work


      <logger category="org.jboss.as.server.BootstrapListener">

          <level name="INFO"/>


               <handler name="STATUS"/>





      Question #1: Is the reason why (b) does not work because the standalone.xml configuration is not yet "active" when the "Started" message is logged?  I read about <jboss>/standalone/configurations/logging.properties and its purpose is to define the log configuration for JBoss from startup to when the standalone.xml configuration is processed.


      Question #2: Is there a way to configure JBoss 7 such that it does not "start" unless all applications currently in the deployments folder deploy successfully - i.e., obtaining the same behavior I saw w/ JBoss 4?  I do not know if the behavior w/ the JBoss 4 environment is the default behavior or if there was a configuration option set.


