3 Replies Latest reply on Jun 14, 2012 11:17 AM by jbertram

    Unable to start HornetQ Standalone Server on Linux Ubuntu 8.04



      I am pretty much new to HornetQ Standalone Server.

      I am using HornetQ 2.2.5 and I am creating JMS Bridges in order to send messages from local queue to remote queue on Jboss 6 which also has hornetq 2.2.5


      I am able to send messages from the local queue to the remote queue in Windows XP but somehow it doesnt work on Ubuntu.

      Below is the stacktrace:


      [main] 13:04:51,613 INFO [org.hornetq.integration.bootstrap.HornetQBootstrapServer] Starting HornetQ Server [main] 13:04:52,889 WARNING [org.hornetq.core.deployers.impl.FileConfigurationParser] AIO wasn't located on this platform, it will fall back to using pure Java NIO. If your platform is Linux, install LibAIO to enable the AIO journal [main] 13:04:52,984 INFO [org.hornetq.core.server.impl.HornetQServerImpl] live server is starting with configuration HornetQ Configuration (clustered=false,backup=false,sharedStore=true,journalDirectory=data/journal,bindingsDirectory=data/bindings,largeMessagesDirectory=data/largemessages,pagingDirectory=data/paging) [main] 13:04:52,985 INFO [org.hornetq.core.server.impl.HornetQServerImpl] Waiting to obtain live lock [main] 13:04:53,045 INFO [org.hornetq.core.persistence.impl.journal.JournalStorageManager] Using NIO Journal [main] 13:04:53,069 WARNING [org.hornetq.core.server.impl.HornetQServerImpl] Security risk! It has been detected that the cluster admin user and password have not been changed from the installation default. Please see the HornetQ user guide, cluster chapter, for instructions on how to do this. [main] 13:04:53,329 INFO [org.hornetq.core.server.impl.FileLockNodeManager] Waiting to obtain live lock [main] 13:04:53,329 INFO [org.hornetq.core.server.impl.FileLockNodeManager] Live Server Obtained live lock [main] 13:04:55,172 INFO [org.hornetq.core.server.impl.HornetQServerImpl] trying to deploy queue jms.queue.StoreUploadQueue [main] 13:04:55,223 INFO [org.hornetq.core.server.impl.HornetQServerImpl] trying to deploy queue jms.queue.StoreReplyQueue [main] 13:04:55,230 INFO [org.hornetq.core.server.impl.HornetQServerImpl] trying to deploy queue jms.queue.EASUploadQueue [main] 13:04:55,266 INFO [org.hornetq.core.server.impl.HornetQServerImpl] trying to deploy queue jms.queue.EASReplyQueue [main] 13:04:55,289 INFO [org.hornetq.core.server.impl.HornetQServerImpl] trying to deploy queue jms.queue.DLQ [main] 13:04:55,296 INFO [org.hornetq.core.server.impl.HornetQServerImpl] trying to deploy queue jms.queue.ExpiryQueue [main] 13:04:55,432 INFO [org.hornetq.core.remoting.impl.netty.NettyAcceptor] Started Netty Acceptor version 3.2.3.Final-r${buildNumber} for CORE protocol [main] 13:04:55,434 INFO [org.hornetq.core.server.impl.HornetQServerImpl] Server is now live [main] 13:04:55,434 INFO [org.hornetq.core.server.impl.HornetQServerImpl] HornetQ Server version 2.2.5.Final (HQ_2_2_5_FINAL_AS7, 121) [a67aad14-81fa-11e1-9899-386077aca178] started [main] 13:04:56,010 SEVERE [org.hornetq.integration.bootstrap.HornetQBootstrapServer] Failed to start server java.lang.IllegalStateException: Incompletely deployed:

      DEPLOYMENTS IN ERROR: Deployment "EASToStoreReplyBridge" is in error due to: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.TxControl Deployment "StoreToEASBridge" is in error due to: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.jboss.logging.Logger.logv(Lorg/jboss/logging/Logger$Level;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V Deployment "StoreToEASReplyBridge" is in error due to: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.TxControl Deployment "EASToStoreBridge" is in error due to: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.TxControl

      at org.jboss.kernel.plugins.deployment.AbstractKernelDeployer.internalValidate(AbstractKernelDeployer.java:278)
      at org
      at org
      at org
      at org
      at org


      Awaiting for a reply..

