1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 20, 2012 4:41 AM by jotraverso

    Is weld resolving producers methods for injecting right?


      Hi all,


      I'm working on JBoss 7.0.1.Final + Java 1.6.0_30 + Eclipse Indigo + JBoss Tools and after a few months deeping into EE 6 with this stack I get amazed with this case.


      I have a few components and I want to put it all into a WAR, but I want to set up a few alternative producer methods, because I'm testing and, for example, I don't have an Oracle database for this test, so I will use an HSQL database.


      Now, here comes the problem, my app is using the default producer for classes into WEB-INF/lib/*.jar files and my alternative producer for classes inside WEB-INF/classes

      Is this the normal behaviour of weld injection?

      There is a sample eclipse project attached, the test page is http://localhost:8080/foo-war/faces/index.xhtml


      foo-jar artifact

      foo-jar managed bean


      public class FooBean {



          private Logger logger;


          public String getLoggerName() {

              return logger.getName();





      foo-war classe code


      A managed bean inside war's classes


      public class BarBean {



          private Logger logger;


          public String getLoggerName() {

              return logger.getName();





      My Stereotype




      @Target({ TYPE, METHOD, FIELD })


      public @interface Bar {




      My producers, both at the same class, inside war's classes


      public class FooResources {


          // Defautl logger producer


          public Logger getFooLogger(final InjectionPoint ip) {

              String category = ip.getMember().getDeclaringClass().getName();

              Logger lg = Logger.getLogger(category);

              lg.info("Returning a DEFAULT produced logger");

              return lg;



          // Alternative producer



          public Logger getBarLooger(final InjectionPoint ip) {

              String category = ip.getMember().getDeclaringClass().getName();

              Logger lg = Logger.getLogger(category);

              lg.info("Returning an ALTERNATIVE produced logger");

              return lg;

