7 Replies Latest reply on Jul 2, 2012 9:01 AM by swiderski.maciej

    Process persistense - change WHEN it should happen!


      Hey Guys,


      Is it possible to start a process until he is finish and then manual persistence him? I don´t want all time auto-persistence after on process is finish because I have got many processes!



      // start new process
      // do other stuff
      // store all processes to db


      I use Seam 2.2.2, jboss 7 and postgresql.


      Thanks in advance!

        • 1. Re: Process persistense - change WHEN it should happen!

          you could register a custom process event listener on the session that collects all information you need and keeps them in memory until you decide to persist them. And it looks like you don't need to have persistence at all or? Do you have only processes without wait states?



          • 2. Re: Process persistense - change WHEN it should happen!

            Hello Maciej,


            I have only processes with my own workitems. I don´t use at the moment any usertask workitem ( I got my own or so).

            The user should have the possibility to start many processes, interact with them while he is in a session. After he finished (logout) the processes should be saved like normal persistence.


            What do you mean with the process event listener?

            • 3. Re: Process persistense - change WHEN it should happen!

              Hey guys,


              There is a simple question, if I do something wrong.


              I have many own workitems they look like this:


              public class SimpleWorkItem implements WorkItemHandler {
                  public static final String NAME = "simple";
                  public void executeWorkItem(WorkItem workItem, WorkItemManager manager) {
                      System.out.println("WorkItemHandler -> " + workItem.getId() + " - " + workItem.getName());
                      // do anything else
                      manager.completeWorkItem(workItem.getId(), results);
                  public void abortWorkItem(WorkItem workItem, WorkItemManager manager) {


              After start a process and look in the sql command I noticed, that each workitems get a sql-query like:

                       (creationDate, name, processInstanceId, state, OPTLOCK, workItemByteArray, workItemId) 
                       (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
                       and OPTLOCK=?
                       and OPTLOCK=?


              Is this really necessary - or do I use WorkItems wrong? There was no break between execution, just ksession.startProcess(....)

              • 4. Re: Process persistense - change WHEN it should happen!

                Not really following your use case. If you like to execute processes without persisting them while they are running what's the purpose of having them persisted at the end (when they are completed)? Since jbpm will remove all runtime data from db once process instance is completed...


                I suggested process listeners since that is used to collect information about running processes to build up kind of history log.


                If you like to have several elements enclosed in one transaction you could mark transaction boundary your self and jbpm will join that transaction instead of creating separate transactions for each command. Take a look at the documentation for more details.



                • 5. Re: Process persistense - change WHEN it should happen!

                  Hey Maciej,


                  Thank you for your replay. At the moment I must think on my own, if that what I do is really useful. o.O

                  • 6. Re: Process persistense - change WHEN it should happen!

                    Hey again,


                    I want to manage persistence by my own. I am sure that I want this...


                    I know how to persistence a StatefulKnowledgeSession and a ProcessInstance with marshaller. BUT after reloading a session and process I would like to go one with the process. But I have no idea how to combine a session und process again.



                    StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = getKnowledgeBase().newStatefulKnowledgeSession();
                    registerWorkItems(ksession);     // add Workitems to the session
                    ProcessInstance process = ksession.startProcess( "de.tud.iwm.catena.analysis.new" );
                    storeSession(ksession);     // using marshaller
                    storeProcess(process);     // using marshaller
                    // do anything else...
                    // and anywhen, anywhere - reload all
                    StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = loadSession();
                    ProcessInstance process = loadProcess();
                    And now I cannot use:
                    ksession.getWorkItemManager().completeWorkItem(....)     Because the reloaded session does not know anything of the process
                    ksession.getProcessInstance(...)  does not work - understandable
                    I was looking for somehting like: 


                    Thanks in advance. If it makes no sense to you what I really want and do, say it please. But it is hard for me to tell you it in english. O.o German would be a bit easier.

                    • 7. Re: Process persistense - change WHEN it should happen!

                      Hmmm, not really sure what is your use case here. Why would you like to do yourself something that is already managed by the engine (storing session and process instance information)? If you could give more requirements for it maybe I will be able to get your idea otherwise it is very difficult to follow it. Sorry German won't help me at all


                      Unfortunately I am not an expert in the marshalling world so can't help you much with that. But maybe there is another approach to that ...