2 Replies Latest reply on Jun 26, 2012 2:40 PM by ebelanger070

    Bundle activated on deployment and bundle start level




      I'm having a problem where is a deploy a bundle in standalone, the bundle will be activated.  This doesn't seem consistent with the explained behavior in this documentation





      It is also possible to deploy bundles by dropping them in the deployments folder, however this will place the deployed bundles in the INSTALLED state. Bundles still need to be started before they become active. Bundles can be started through the CLI or the web console.



      This is causing me some headaches since bundles are deployed in no order in particular.  This causes the activated bundle to try and resolve some dependencies which are still not present.  This means I have to take care of deploying manually each bundle in order to make everything work correctly.  From what I noticed, all bundles seems to have a start level of 1 when deployed, which may cause auto starts since <property name="org.osgi.framework.startlevel.beginning">1</property>.


      If anyone knows how to manage this correctly, which in brief, is deploying bundles in an INSTALLED state, please let me know.


      Eric Bélanger