1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 29, 2012 10:17 AM by vjbhakta

    JBossMessaging vs JGroups


      I'm looking at multicast messaging solutions. I've seen that JBossMessaging is built on top of JGroups, just wanted to know if there's any advantage to using JGroups directly. My environment requires large (5-10KB) infrequent (1 per node per minute max) messages sent over high-latency, over-subscribed, low-bandwidth, unreliable links. A few nodes will have multiple links to the other nodes in the group. Number of nodes probably between 5-100.

        • 1. Re: JBossMessaging vs JGroups

          Did you find a solution to your problem?


          I have a similar requirement and so far I see some messages being dropped due to some momentary load on the network.

          My messages are too around 1k - 10k in size which are published to Topic. But, at times, subscribers do not receive all messages.

          There are 32 or more clients.


          I am using JBoss 4.2.3.GA.