2 Replies Latest reply on Jun 29, 2012 8:05 PM by spyhunter99

    Deploying Native to AS 6.1.0


      Hi - I downloaded JBoss AS 6.1.0.Final (community) and found it has the CXF stack by default.  I read that AS 6.1.0 bundled the Native JBossWS stack 3.4.1.GA and I can see the common/lib/jbossws-native-core.jar.  I don't know how to 'enable' and force Native for all web services and/or 'disable' CXF.  I thought perhaps this would be an xml config chg but can't find a doc saying that.


      So I downloaded the JBossws Native 3.4.1.GA zip, and I modified the ant.properties but I used 610 as the version, and it didn't like me.


      Any advice on replacing CXF with NATIVE in JBoss 6.1 would be appreciated.  Also please let me know if I am looking for the wrong thing and perhaps I should be specifying NATIVE stack somehow in my WAR?



      Target "deploy-jboss610" does not exist in the project "JBossWS-Native".