0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 4, 2012 12:50 PM by jayabharath

    facing an issue with FRAMESET in GateIn




      We are facing an issue with FRAMESET in GateIn.


      Why we went for FRAMESET: User can open multiple child widows from our portal page. We came up with FRAMESET concept to manage the ‘Child Window References’ and ‘Logout process’ when user clicked on Browser close button (code snippet provided below).


      Now Issue with FRAMESET: The FRAMESET worked well with JBOSS PORTAL (jboss-4.2.2) but when we upgraded portal to GateIn (jboss-5.1.1), user is not able to do mouse scroll on home page from IE8 onwards. Here the culprit is FRAMESET.


      Code snippet of Login.jsp



      <META HTTP-EQUIV="pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">

      <META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="0">



      <script type="text/javascript">

      var erWindowArray = new Array();

      function closeERChildren(){

                              for(a=(erWindowArray.length - 1);a>=0;a--){




      function parentClosedWithX(){

                              if (winClosed){





                              document.location.href = content.document.getElementById("logOutURL").href;



      <frameset rows="*" cols="*" border="0" onbeforeunload="parentClosedWithX();">

        <frame src="/portal/login2.jsp" name="content" scrolling="yes" />




      How to fix this issue? Please suggest.


      Thanks & Regards,
