12 Replies Latest reply on Jul 18, 2012 11:37 AM by pferraro

    Programatic creation of cache inside AS7


      What is the correct way to create your own new caches programtically inside Jboss AS7 without editing the configuration of the container by changing it's XML?


      All the documentation I have found on AS7 talks about hacking your server to create new caches and then just shows how to lookup this new cache. I've already had this whole argument about whether system admins should be creating things like JMS destinations as part of building an app server or bundled with the app itsself, and thankfully have won so you now get deployable JMS and DS but it looks like Infinispan caches might be the next battle ...


      In the past we just created a new cache as if we were standalone, but then injected ChannelFactory so we shared the existing jgroups transport already in use by JBoss AS 5.1.0