0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 12, 2012 11:55 AM by phantom_john

    imports/exports/resource filtering in module.xml and jboss-deployment-structure.xml


      I tried to get a clear definition of the 'fitlerType' used in module.xml and jboss-deployment-structure.xml and ended with none.


      The filtering is used in the following form:


          <!-- The <exports> can be changed to <imports>, or <filter> in <resource-root> -->


              <include path="ant style path" /> <!-- occurrence: 0-unbounded -->


                  <path name="concrete path" /> <!-- occurrence: 0-unbounded -->



              <exclude path="ant style path" /> <!-- occurrence: 0-unbounded -->


                  <path name="concrete path" /> <!-- occurrence: 0-unbounded -->





      Let's say the <include> and <include-set> are the positive fitlers, and the matched resources are the positive matchings.

      And similarly, say the <exclude> and <exclude-set> are the negative fitlers, and the matched resources are the negative matchings.


      The unclear points are:

      # If no negative fitler is specified, will those resources which do not match the positive fitlers be exported? <br />The intuitive answer would be no. That is, only the positive matchings should be exported in this case. But that is not true in JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final. And I believe that's the root cause of the issue discussed here (https://community.jboss.org/message/637287).

      # What if a resource matches both a positive fitler and a negative filter?

      # What if a resource does not match either a positive fitler or a negative filter?

      # What's the default positive filter if none is specified (implicitly or explicitly)?

      # What's the default negative filter if none is specified (implicitly or explicitly)?

      I hope someone can shed some light on that issue and also have it documented somewhere.