3 Replies Latest reply on Jul 17, 2012 9:11 AM by jaikiran

    War packaged inside a Sar fails to deploy


      I have a sar file which contains a war file. The sar file deploys just fine. However, even after specifying the sub-deployment value I am getting the following error message:


      org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException: Sub deployment o.war in jboss-structure.xml was not found.


      Here is the overall structure of my sar file:



                       | 3rd party jar files needed by the service

                       | o.war


      Here is my jboss-deployment-structure.xml


      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>




             <module name="org.dom4j" />

             <module name="org.apache.commons.collections"/>



               <resource-root path="openmobster-sar-2.2-M8.jar">




         <!-- war deployment -->

        <sub-deployment name="o.war">




      You help with this will be greatly appreciated




        • 1. Re: War packaged inside a Sar fails to deploy

          Why are you packaging a war inside .sar instead of an .ear?

          • 2. Re: War packaged inside a Sar fails to deploy

            I thought if you are developing a service it should be a sar archive. Mine is a Mobile Cloud Service with features like Data Synchronization, Push Notifications etc. It is not a Java EE App. The war file is a web interface to the system and it relies on the dependencies of its parent which is the sar file.


            This setup worked great in JBoss-5.1.0.GA and something that I learned doing on JBoss Portal which also used to ship as a sar file packaged with numerous war files.


            I realize that JBoss AS 7 is a complete rework and things are completely new here. Does this mean that you cannot package war files inside a sar file in AS 7. If yes could please be able to tell me how to go about achieving it.




            • 3. Re: War packaged inside a Sar fails to deploy

              You can just package the jboss-service.xml in the .ear/META-INF folder and also package the .war within that .ear. You don't need a .sar

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