2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 19, 2012 9:51 AM by tadayosi

    Recommended Way Forward from JBossESB


      I need some advice.  I'm currently working on a project that uses JBossESB with JbossAS 5.1.0.   The project is in a fairly secure environment that requires regular security update patches, and the upcoming end of public updates to Java 6 has driven our management to make the switch to Java 7 to prevent any update lapses for Java.  Therefore, we're being forced to switch to JBoss AS 7.  We're tyring to determine the best way forward to replace the JBossESB since there is no Jboss 7 support.  Is switchyard that product?  Will it be 'ready' by the time that Java 6 is EOL?  The way that we're structured, I'm going to get a JBoss stack handed to me that fits in our environment, so the next question is, if we decide to go with switchyard, what are the steps to add it to an existing JBoss 7 AS stack?

        • 1. Re: Recommended Way Forward from JBossESB

          Our product platforms provide testing and certification against specific JDK versions, so if you are running SOA-P my first bit of advice would be to check with RH support on the status of Java 7 certification for SOA-P 5.x before making a move.


          From a pure community standpoint, SwitchYard works on both Java 7 and JBoss AS 7.  You can find downloads here for a pre-bundled AS 7 + SY combo and an installer for installing SY into an existing AS 7 runtime.  SwitchYard will be supported as part of SOA-P 6.0, which has not been released yet.  If you're looking for commercial support, then SOA-P 5.x is the way to go.

          • 2. Re: Recommended Way Forward from JBossESB



            For supportability of JBoss SOA-P products, please see: https://access.redhat.com/knowledge/articles/111863

            SOA-P 5.3 is announced to be released within a couple of months.

