0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 30, 2012 2:43 PM by phila

    Threading in Jboss


      Okay so I have a java app being deployed to JBoss.  The application needs to poll an external webservice for jobs.  Each job can an should be run on its own thread.  This will behave very similar to a jms queue with a pool of mdbs handling the messages.  The only real difference is the queue of work is supplied by a restful webservice.  So my question is what is the best way to start up my pool of threads?  I was thinking of using the workmanager in jboss but this looks to only be intended for jms.  Using a traditional java thread executor seems to be frowned on.  What is the best way of getting several threads running that can be polling the webservice and running jobs?  I am on jboss 5.1.