1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 30, 2012 6:41 PM by jsmoorejr

    Changing h:outputText "value", or even the value expression, using JavaScript/jQuery


      So here is my problem. I am trying to take the value that comes from the backend and get rid of unwanted text in the value. So basically I get a color back and there is an asterisk or two at the end of the color name. I send that value to a JavaScript function and remove any asterisks that may be present in the string. This has been working fine for me up until now. I found one other location that this was happening and when I try to do the same thing, it doesn't work. The string comes in with the asterisks, I remove them and replace the html with the new string and for a brief moment, it works, then the original string comes back.


      So, here is a bit more detail. In the app I am working on, there is a link that when clicked opens a richfaces modal window. Then, there is a table that is populated with various quotes that have come in from the website. At the end of each row is a "View" link to view the details of the quote. When that is clicked, it opens another modal that has a table with each product, color, size, and other information they customer wants quoted on. In the "View" link code there is an onclick, this is where I put my function call.


      <a4j:commandLink ajaxSingle="true" action="#{editRequestedQuoteController.viewRequestedQuote}"
          onclick="#{rich:component('viewRequestedQuotePanel')}.show(); changeColorName()">
          <f:param name="orderId" value="#{order.id}"/>


      The changeColorName() function is called and runs the following code:


      function changeColorName() {
              var existingColor = jQuery(this).text();
              var newColor = existingColor.replace(/\*/g, '');


      The code newColor.trim(newColor) is just removing leading/trailing spaces from the string.


      Here is the code where the string is being rendered:


      <c:forEach var="orderItem" items="#{editRequestedQuoteBean.orderItems}" varStatus="status" >
          <td rowspan="#{orderItem.logo.logoName != null ? '4' : '2'}">
              <span class="managedorder-color-name">#{orderItem.itemColor.swatchcolor}</span>


      In the above code, I realize that there isn't an h:outputText tag, but I have changed it around multiple times with no success. When I debug it with FireBug, I can walk through the code and see it execute, so I know it is getting called. When I step over the last line, I can see the text is replaced with the string I am sending, but then if I "continue", the string goes back to the version I started with, the one with the asterisks. Does anyone know why this might be happening? Please, anyone, let me know if this is unclear or if you need more information.



        • 1. Re: Changing h:outputText "value", or even the value expression, using JavaScript/jQuery

          Kinda feel a bit embarrased about this, but someone on a different site pointed this out to me. I just needed to move the function call to the oncomplete instead of the onclick, since the ajax request happens after the onclick event. Any change I was making to the string before the Ajax request had finished, was just being replaced after the Ajax request completed. So, my final version of the function call became this:


          <a4j:commandLink ajaxSingle="true" action="#{editRequestedQuoteController.viewRequestedQuote}"
              onclick="#{rich:component('viewRequestedQuotePanel')}.show()" oncomplete="changeColorName()">
              <f:param name="orderId" value="#{order.id}"/>