90. Re: GSoC - Arquillian Spring Integration
bmajsak May 30, 2012 12:57 PM (in response to jmnarloch)Heya guys,
I think it makes perfect sense to extract transaction handling out of APE and let it live it's own life. To be honest it shouldn't be responsibility of APE at all (and I'm not really happy about making this decision in the early days :). Since we already have another extension which needs to use transactions I think it's high time to make it happen. Also having it as standalone extension might be useful in another scenarios as Aslak already pointed out.
What I would suggest is to have a look what can be taken from APE implementation and create seperated extension
* arquillian-service-transaction with API and event handling
* concrete implementations leveraging SPI and implementing interfaces from the core module such as *-spring and *-jta [which might be based on APE code]
Later on I will hook it into the APE code base.
91. Re: GSoC - Arquillian Spring Integration
jmnarloch May 31, 2012 11:46 AM (in response to bmajsak)I can take a look into it next week, I think. Currently I'm working on completly different issue.
As mentioned I'm going to move the annotations together with the TransactionHalder, but probably that wouldn't be all that it's need to be done. Maybe we will need to figure out a way for registering the concreate transaction hanlder within the code. So I think that your assitance will be needed and desired.
92. Re: GSoC - Arquillian Spring Integration
jmnarloch Jun 15, 2012 5:41 PM (in response to jmnarloch)There is a great set of proposal for extension logo: https://github.com/arquillian/arquillian-artwork/issues/3 made by Sarah.
93. Re: GSoC - Arquillian Spring Integration
jmnarloch Jun 15, 2012 5:57 PM (in response to bmajsak)Hi Bartosz,
I would like to give it a go for refactoring the transaction from APE. I created a repo for that purpose https://github.com/jmnarloch/arquillian-extension-transaction to which you also have access. I think that in couple of days I could create the initial version.
94. Re: GSoC - Arquillian Spring Integration
jmnarloch Jun 18, 2012 8:44 AM (in response to jmnarloch)Hi again
I've made very draft version of the transaction module, extracted mostly from the persistence extension if you Bartek will find some time, then please take a look at it. If you find it more appropiate we can open separate discussion regarding only that module.
The code can be found here: https://github.com/jmnarloch/arquillian-extension-transaction
95. Re: GSoC - Arquillian Spring Integration
jmnarloch Jul 4, 2012 4:48 PM (in response to jmnarloch)Through last 3 weeks there have been major changes made in the extension so I guess it will be good idea to gather them all in one place.
What have been already done:
- Separation of the test enrichers
The integration capabilities of extension has been moved to entirely separate module. So instead of single arquillian-service-deployer-spring artifact we have:
- arquillian-service-integration-spring
- arquillian-service-integration-spring-inject
- arquillian-service-integration-spring-javaconfig
The core functionality is provided by integration-spring module with two additional extensions. They have been separated in other to allow using them with Spring legacy versions. In result we can use arquillian-service-integration-spring-inject with both Spring 2.5.x and Spring 3 and additional arquillian-service-integration-spring-javaconfig with Spring 3 only.
The arquillian-service-deployer-spring itself is now being used only for packaging the artifacts.
- Warp Spring MVC
This extension has been introduced in order to allow testing Spring MVC controllers running in servlet contaier. It can work together with Arquillian Drone or any other HTTP client.
The configuration requires to substitute the DispatcherServlet with WarpDispatcherServlet.
<web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_3_0.xsd"
Using Warp we can run functional tests of our web application with additional verification of the server state through ServerAssertion. Example use case:
public class LoginControllerTestCase {
WebDriver browser;
URL contextPath;
public static WebArchive createDeployment() {
File[] libs = DependencyResolvers.use(MavenDependencyResolver.class)
return ShrinkWrap.create(WebArchive.class, "spring-test.war")
.addAsWebInfResource("WEB-INF/web.xml", "web.xml")
.addAsWebInfResource("WEB-INF/welcome-servlet.xml", "welcome-servlet.xml")
.addAsWebInfResource("WEB-INF/jsp/welcome.jsp", "jsp/welcome.jsp")
.addAsWebInfResource("WEB-INF/jsp/login.jsp", "jsp/login.jsp")
public void testGetLogin() {
Warp.execute(new ClientAction() {
public void action() {
browser.navigate().to(contextPath + "login.do");
}).verify(new LoginControllerGetVerification());
public void testLoginValidationErrors() {
browser.navigate().to(contextPath + "login.do");
Warp.execute(new ClientAction() {
public void action() {
}).verify(new LoginControllerValidationErrorsVerification());
public static class LoginControllerGetVerification extends ServerAssertion {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private ModelAndView modelAndView;
public void testGetLogin() {
assertEquals("login", modelAndView.getViewName());
public static class LoginControllerValidationErrorsVerification extends ServerAssertion {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private ModelAndView modelAndView;
private Errors errors;
public void testGetLogin() {
assertEquals("login", modelAndView.getViewName());
assertEquals("Two errors were expected.", 2, errors.getAllErrors().size());
assertTrue("The login hasn't been validated.", errors.hasFieldErrors("login"));
assertTrue("The password hasn't been validated.", errors.hasFieldErrors("password"));
- The embedded container
During development when the tests are being frequently modified and continuously re-run using production application server may be overkill. This is were the embedded container can be found usefull. It does not provide the capabilitites of real application server like JNDI or servlet reference implementation, but it still can be used for successfully testing business objects. The execution time of in memory runned tests decreses from seconds into miliseconds.
Changes planned for next release:
There are also two changes that I wish to implement before releasing next version:
- Registering the ApplicationContext on client side
This will be especially usefull when used together with Warp in order to e.g. run tests of REST service.
public class LoginControllerTestCase {
RestTemplate restTemplate;
// test code
- Transaction support
I find that crucial for making the extension usefull. Ther first steps for extracting the transactions support from Persistence Extension has been made and a working prototype is also ready. Although we still need to discuss the final shape of the transaction support.
Future plans:
- Arquillian Persitence Extension integration
The planned integration would allow to set the data source configured through Spring per each test case
- Enabling Spring profiles
Seting which Spring profiles should be made active for the current test case.
96. Re: GSoC - Arquillian Spring Integration
jmnarloch Jul 31, 2012 1:14 PM (in response to jmnarloch)After the release of Alpha 2, the next one will include possibility to register the Spring application context on the client side.
public class ClientRestServiceTestCase {
* <p>Creates the test deployment.</p>
* @return the test deployment
@OverProtocol("Servlet 3.0")
public static Archive createTestArchive() {
return Deployments.createWebApplication()
.addAsWebInfResource("mvc/web.xml", "web.xml")
.addAsWebInfResource("mvc/empty.xml", "employee-servlet.xml")
.addAsWebInfResource("mvc/mvc-applicationContext.xml", "applicationContext.xml");
* <p>The context path of the deployed application.</p>
private URL contextPath;
* <p>Autowired {@link RestTemplate}.</p>
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
* <p>Tests invocation of a REST service.</p>
public void testGetEmployees() {
Employee result = restTemplate.getForObject(contextPath + "/Employees/1", Employee.class);
assertNotNull("The returned result from REST service was null.", result);
assertEquals("The returned employee has invalid name.", "John Smith", result.getName());
Potential usage would to test REST or SOAP services with Spring configured client.