15. Re: Scaffolding broken for aB123 field names
kennardconsulting Aug 3, 2012 5:54 AM (in response to anthonyhib)Hi Anthony,
Could you open a JIRA ticket for this so I can lodge the work against it? You can just reference this forum discussion.
16. Re: Scaffolding broken for aB123 field names
kennardconsulting Aug 3, 2012 7:42 AM (in response to kennardconsulting)Anthony,
Okay could you please try the latest Metawidget 2.4-SNAPSHOT? We'll still have to make your changes to ForgePropertyStyle (after you open a JIRA), but the Metawidget-generated code should be further improved for 'aFIELD', 'aENTITY', 'aID' etc.
17. Re: Scaffolding broken for aB123 field names
anthonyhib Aug 3, 2012 9:04 AM (in response to kennardconsulting)thanks for this snapshot Richard.
Since isCapitalized is not available anymore, I simply commented out the last check that was using it
/*if (field == null && !StringUtils.isCapitalized(propertyName))
field = fieldHolder.getField(StringUtils.capitalize(propertyName));
Then I did another test with the following fields
@Id private @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) Long aID = null; private String abc; private String dEF; private String GHI; @ManyToOne private cENTITY cENTITY;
Note the OanyToOne.
* forge is still generated broken get/set method names when using its entity command line
* when get/set methods generated by eclipse, then scaffolding is perfect.
One little detail, there is twice the same import cENTITY in the view bean.
18. Re: Scaffolding broken for aB123 field names
anthonyhib Aug 3, 2012 9:05 AM (in response to kennardconsulting) -
19. Re: Scaffolding broken for aB123 field names
kennardconsulting Aug 4, 2012 4:27 AM (in response to anthonyhib)Thanks for that. Attached a pull request to the JIRA.
Anthony could you please ping Lincoln Baxter to get the 'forge is still generated broken get/set method names when using its entity command line' part fixed? That's outside my jurisdiction
20. Re: Scaffolding broken for aB123 field names
kennardconsulting Aug 4, 2012 4:32 AM (in response to anthonyhib)Anthony,
Also, could you please elaborate on 'One little detail, there is twice the same import cENTITY in the view bean'?
I'm not seeing this in the org.jboss.forge.scaffold.faces.scenario.shopping.FacesScaffoldShoppingTest, which also builds a ManyToOne relationship with another entity (SubmittedOrder -> Address)?
21. Re: Scaffolding broken for aB123 field names
anthonyhib Aug 6, 2012 2:39 AM (in response to kennardconsulting)Also, could you please elaborate on 'One little detail, there is twice the same import cENTITY in the view bean'?
Actually I did some more tests and it seems the problems is not related to a particular naming.
The source of the problem is the *recursive* ManyToOne.
class MyClass{
private MyClass myClass;
22. Re: Scaffolding broken for aB123 field names
kennardconsulting Aug 6, 2012 3:51 AM (in response to anthonyhib) -
23. Re: Scaffolding broken for aB123 field names
luca.masini Aug 6, 2012 5:00 AM (in response to kennardconsulting)I confirm the problem, but is that related to the naming convention ??
I think a new issue should be opened for that.
24. Re: Scaffolding broken for aB123 field names
kennardconsulting Aug 6, 2012 5:13 AM (in response to luca.masini)No, it's unrelated. You can open a new issue if you like, but it's such a small fix I just bundled it in with https://github.com/forge/core/pull/184
25. Re: Scaffolding broken for aB123 field names
luca.masini Aug 6, 2012 6:05 AM (in response to kennardconsulting)Great !!!!
I'm a fanatic of issue tracking but sure I don't want to flood it with small fixes.
Thank you.