1. Re: JSF 2 Portlets Cookbook
kenfinni Aug 6, 2012 8:58 AM (in response to datasmithtech)Larry,
At present I don't believe there is a single place that contains all that information, though the soon to be released GateIn Cookbook will.
For portal installation, you can find lots of guides here.
In terms of the Portlet Bridge and JSF 2 portlets, most of that information should be present in the 3.0 documentation.
Do you feel that something more comprehensive is required?
2. Re: JSF 2 Portlets Cookbook
jpadula35 Nov 2, 2012 1:01 PM (in response to kenfinni)Ken,
Any hard date yet on when your book will be published. Amazon said Oct 23rd, but it still not available there, and Packt just says November.
3. Re: JSF 2 Portlets Cookbook
kenfinni Nov 2, 2012 1:04 PM (in response to jpadula35)Joe,
GateIn Cookbook will be released in a week or two at most, so not much longer now.
4. Re: JSF 2 Portlets Cookbook
jpadula35 Nov 15, 2012 10:01 AM (in response to kenfinni)Ken,
I ordered your book from Packt last week and it arrived yesterday. Looks excellent, will be trying some of the recipies soon.
If we have a problem doing one of the recipes would you rather we submitted an errata, or post something to this forum or another one?
Thanks for the great book.
5. Re: JSF 2 Portlets Cookbook
kenfinni Nov 15, 2012 10:23 AM (in response to jpadula35)Hi Joe,
Thanks! Hope it provides some good tips and advice.
Probably best to submit an errata for the book, and if it's a bug in the examples for JSF2/RF4 then you could also post to the forum so that I can provide a fix quicker.