2 Replies Latest reply on Aug 9, 2012 10:33 AM by fux185

    RF4, Client requirements, Browser, IE 7


      In section 3.1.2 of Developer Guide for RF 4 the mentioned IE versions are IE 8 and higher.

      We have customers who still use IE 7.


      Does this mean, that we should not use RF 4.x ?


      Which are the problems with IE 7?



        • 1. Re: RF4, Client requirements, Browser, IE 7

          Does this mean, that we should not use RF 4.x ?

          Not as long as your clients are on IE7. I appreciate that you can't expect to influence your clients overall IT policy but maybe

          they need to think about upgrading. The problem is that IE7 is 6 years old now and it wasn't brilliant then and especially in

          comparison to modern browsers it's rubbish. IE8 isn't brilliant either but it's still got a hefty market share so you have no choice

          but to support it.


          For example google have dropped support for IE7 in gmail http://gmailblog.blogspot.co.uk/2011/06/our-plans-to-support-modern-browsers.html.


          The problem with IE7 is that it's bug ridden and Microsoft managed to do things a little differently to all the other major browser

          developers requiring a fair amount if IE specific workarounds.




          • 2. Re: RF4, Client requirements, Browser, IE 7

            Does JBoss offer commercial support if we run into trouble with a certain component in IE 7?