4 Replies Latest reply on Sep 6, 2012 3:03 PM by aykay

    Solder / getWebResource to all files in a folder - How?


      Hi there.


      Solder makes it easy to get access to a server resource.


      WebResourceLocator locator = new WebResourceLocator();

      InputStream inputStream = locator.getWebResource("/WEB-INF/standard_resources/legalnote.txt");


      But what if I want to have access to ALL files residing in /WEB-INF/standard_resources dynamically ?? Means, regardless of what's been put inside /WEB-INF/standard_resources each file gets processed. In that case I don't know the file names.


      One way, of course, would be to use

      File folder = new File("../standalone/deployments/PROJECTNAME.war/WEB-INF/standard_resources");

      But this stinks.


      Is there a way to get access to all resources dynamically in a given folder using Solder?

      Thank you !!

        • 1. Re: Solder / getWebResource to all files in a folder - How?

          We never had that use case come up when we designed the feature. As far as I know, there isn't a way to do this with Solder.

          • 2. Re: Solder / getWebResource to all files in a folder - How?



            In fact I programmed a solution meanwhile which I'll post a soon as I can spare some time.


            Cheers, and keep up the great stuff you're doing.

            • 3. Re: Solder / getWebResource to all files in a folder - How?

              Great. I was looking to do something similar to load up multiple seam-beans.xml files (broken down into smaller more meaningful parts from the big seam-beans.xml that I initially had). it would be great if you can post your solution. Thanks

              • 4. Re: Solder / getWebResource to all files in a folder - How?

                Hi Dave.


                Terribly sorry about my late respone.


                In the mean time project demands had altered in a way that my solution simply doesn't fit the original question anymore. When mentioning it I wasn't aware of this. Now I could spare some time to figure out how I'd solve my original request. Please bear with me that I again sticked to using java.io.File to get hold of all file names residing in a parcticular web folder. In order to input stream and process all of them I did:


                import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
                import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
                public void processAllResources(String folderInWebContext) throws IOException
                     ServletContext servletContext = (ServletContext)FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getContext();
                     if (folderInWebContext.charAt(0) != '/') // Add global web root
                          folderInWebContext = "/" + folderInWebContext;
                     File webRootFolder = new File(servletContext.getRealPath(folderInWebContext));
                     File[] files = webRootFolder.listFiles();
                     if (files != null)
                          for (File file : files)
                               String fileName = file.getName();
                               String resourceTerm = folderInWebContext + "/" + fileName;
                               WebResourceLocator locator = new WebResourceLocator();
                               InputStream inputStream = locator.getWebResource(resourceTerm);
                               // Process this input stream
                               // ...


                As always, code can surely be improved and I welcome hints. Of course, I tested it successfully.

