1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 9, 2012 3:11 PM by flyingelvi

    ActivationConfigProperty DeliveryActive


      Hi Guys,


      I get this warning on AS7.1.1 :


      16:04:30,794 WARN  [org.jboss.ejb3] (MSC service thread 1-16) JBAS014105: ActivationConfigProperty DeliveryActive will be ignored since it is not allowed by resource adapter: hornetq-ra


      I learnt that hornetq doesn't support DeliveryActive property, has anyone came across this problem & found any workaround that DeliveryActive does?




        • 1. Re: ActivationConfigProperty DeliveryActive

          I'm facing the same problem, I understand there's a bug already filled in.


          but anyone have any workaround that I could use ?


          My process is this one, I have a MDB hooked on a specific DLQ with DeliveryActive false. but sometimes we decide to reprocess those message so we turn it on and the MDB, post the messages back into the live Queue.


          I'm in the process of upgrading from 5.1 to 7.1 and this is the first limitation I currently hit.


          I couldn't find a way to switch the destination at runtime from a dummy.


          it's not allowed to replace my MDB with a simple JMS listener since it's running inside the RJB container.


          Any ideas is appreciated


