1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 25, 2015 10:24 AM by santos.sandro

    jboss7.1, security domain role mapping, unable to set non-string property rolesMap for OptionsRoleMappingProvider


      I'd like to make use of jboss7 pickedbox security role mapping feature, as documented in:



      Specifially I want to map a LDAP stored role (group membership) like "MyLdapRole" to a application specific ejb tier role name @RolesAllowed("MyEjbRole")


      While the role mapping supported by PickedBox looks promising I have a problem setting the required "rolesMap" option for the mapping module org.jboss.security.mapping.providers.OptionsRoleMappingProvider


      jboss7 jboss-as-security_1_1.xsd defines for mapping module options <xs:complexType name="propertyType> with a string only value attribute:

      <xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:string" use="required"/>


      jboss4 security-config_4_1.xsd supported flexible jaxp parsed module option values.


      So, the pickedbox wiki example uses a jaxp parsed java.util.Properties type module option:


               <mapping-module code="org.jboss.security.mapping.providers.OptionsRoleMappingProvider"

                   <module-option name="rolesMap" >
                              <java:properties xmlns:java="urn:jboss:java-properties"
                                       xs:schemaLocation="urn:jboss:java-properties resource:java-properties_1_0.xsd">

                         <module-option name="replaceRoles">false</module-option>


      How am I supposed to set the property in standalone.xml if only simple string property values are suppored for security modules?