2 Replies Latest reply on Aug 20, 2012 8:20 AM by martam

    Problem with extendedDataTable columns width


      I know that there is plenty of similar questions (I've read maaany of them) but I haven't found any satisfying answer:

      is it possible to make extendedDataTable fit page width and its columns fit table width?

      I had no problem with doing so with dataTable, but in extendedDataTable it doesn't work for me.

      I managed to do almost what I need using CSS, but the table's header didn't fit the columns :/


      Does anyone know any solution/workaround for this?


      I'm using Richfaces 4.2.2

        • 1. Re: Problem with extendedDataTable

          Hi Marta,


          one option is to define your own CSS on the page like this:



          <style type="text/css">
              .rf-edt {
                  width: 500px !important;
                  height: 300px !important;




          • 2. Re: Problem with extendedDataTable

            Thank you for quick reply

            But I don't want to set any fixed width of my dataTable... I need a dataTable which fits the page width and resizes when the browser window is resized.


