1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 22, 2012 2:27 AM by cwitschel

    jbpm designer/Jboss Studio Editor conflict info


      For anyone who is trying to use both the JBPM web designer (2.3) and the Eclipse editor (Jboss Developer Studio 5.0.1.GA w/ drools/jbpm 5.3.3.final extension) with Guvnor (which, the eclipse integration with Guvnor within Jboss Developer Studio is GREAT, thank you!):



      Errors I've encountered from generating a BPMN workflow in Designer, stored in Guvnor, then pulled into Eclipse, and resolutions (as known).  The errors were from Eclipse when trying to use the Eclipse BPMN2 tool on a BPMN file generated from Designer (where designer did not check/protect against certain issues yet), and failing 'RuleFlow XML' validations:


        * "more than one incoming connection error" (i.e. merge with a gateway your sequence arrows, instead of directly to a task (BPMN says a task should only have one incoming arrow): https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBPM-3372


        * "Exception when type empty in Convering Gateway" (BPMN says use exclusiveGateway to merge): https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBRULES-2879


        * "Invalid bounds for node" -

            * likely a task or node in a swimlane that isn't "all" in the swimlane (make sure fully wrapped).

            * a swimlane or other node that is 'outside the margins' (usually too-far to the left)


        * "Unable to build expression for 'constraint' null"

            * Run Validate button within Oryx/Guvnor, likely quite a few are not validating, correct those first.

            * In Guvnor, if start point has 'could not find process image', just click the 'PNG' button to create the image. source: http://blog.athico.com/2012/04/jbpm-designer-version-21-released.html

            * XOR gateways that are missing definition.

              * To add constraints to XOR gateways in Eclipse, click on the XOR gateway, Properties tab, 'Constraints' field. Need more details/examples.

              * To add constraints to XOR gateways in the JBPM web designer, click on the decision-based sequence flow (arrow/line), to add Condition Expression directly to each flow item. Need more details/examples.




      Swimlane issue: The Swimlane is not showing up in the JBPM (eclipse) editor, but is visible in the JBPM Web Designer, as well as the Eclipse BPMN Diagram Editor (an alternative eclipse plugin).