3 Replies Latest reply on Aug 25, 2012 9:43 AM by wdfink

    HASingleton in jboss 7 standalone mode


      In jboss 5 HASingleton service is enable by just deploying application inside deploy-hasingleton directory. By doing so only one server will have deployed application and all other servers in cluster will be in stand by mode.


      There is no more deploy-hasingleton directory in jboss 7. So how this can be implement  in jboss as 7 environment. . In some threads i noticed that it can be achieved via implementing org.jboss.msc.Service(https://community.jboss.org/thread/177199, https://community.jboss.org/message/715999).


      I followed some examples to achieve this( like https://access.redhat.com/knowledge/docs/en-US/JBoss_Enterprise_Application_Platform/6/html/Development_Guide/Implement_an_HA_Singleton.html). But no good. I can't get the clear picture.


      So my question is how master-slave hasingleton model can be achieved in jboss 7 standalone mode. There is no documents/samples yet. So Please any one share some documents or samples on how it can be achieved. It'll helps a lot.



      Thanks in advance,

      Sudhananthan B 

        • 1. Re: HASingleton in jboss 7 standalone mode

          Can you describe your use case?  Support for singleton deployments is coming in the next release.

          • 2. Re: HASingleton in jboss 7 standalone mode

            Thanks for your response Paul Ferraro,

            Paul Ferraro wrote:


            Can you describe your use case?

            I'm just migrating from jboss 5 to 7. In earlier jboss 5 version we achieved master-slave HASingleton model by deploying our application .ear module in deploy-hasingleton directory so that only one node in clustering will be active i.e acts as master and all other nodes will be  waiting in a state to start deployment. And when master gets down control gets transferred to one of the node in cluster pool and now deployment starts in that node.


            So i need to achieve Master-Slave HAsingleton model in jboss 7(standalone mode).

            Paul Ferraro wrote:

            Support for singleton deployments is coming in the next release.

            I'm now using jboss 7.1.2. I think there is no support for singleton deployment in 7.1.2.

            • 3. Re: HASingleton in jboss 7 standalone mode

              There is no support for a HASingletonDeployer in AS7.1.2.

              There is a feature request AS7-4894 for this you might vote and watch.


              As you open also this thread regarding how to us a singleton to provide this feature you might continue there.