I am using jboss seam, In my code i am using @StateFul session,Session scope and extended persistence context. when i am going to update the current object using entity-manager.merge(obj) and entity-manager.flush() ,the current is updated successfully. my problem is when i select one object(ex obj1) for update and give some fields to that object ,the provided data is failed based on my logical conditions ,so its not updated ..and i omit that object and select and another object(ex obj2) and provide some correct information to that object(obj2),when i am going to update that current object (obj2) the previously selected objects(like obj1) which is not updated,all those objects is updated with current object(obj2)......... plz slove my problem, |
public class CustomerAction implements
CustomerInterface {
@PersistenceContext(type = PersistenceContextType.EXTENDED)
private EntityManager entityManager;
private String name;
Customer selectobj;---->entity
public void objectSelected() {
((org.hibernate.Session) entityManager.getDelegate())
selectobj = (Customer) entityManager.createQuery(
"from Customer where custName=:id").setParameter("id",name)
public void update() {
if (selectobj.age<18) {
.addToControl("messages", Severity.ERROR,
"Age should be greather than 18");
public void destroy() {
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