3 Replies Latest reply on Aug 27, 2012 9:48 AM by rcernich

    Generics support for bean references




      I was thinking about invocation of services with 'interface.esb' from Java code. Right now (if I understand it correctly) I need to create an interface with a single method and typed parameter and return value so I can do something like this in the code



      interface ServiceA {
           public MyClass process(String msg);
      @Reference ServiceA service;
      MyClass o = service.process("this is message");


      Whenever I would need different types used (and have transformes behind the scenes do the work) I would need to define a new interface.


      Do you think that it would be useful feature to provide support for constructs like this?



      interface EsbService<I, O> {
           public O process(I msg)
      @Reference EsbService<String, MyClass> serviceA;
      @Reference EsbService<String, String> serviceA2;
      @Reference EsbService<ClassA, ClassB> serviceB;



        • 1. Re: Generics support for bean references

          Hey Jiri,


          It should be easy enough to test out to see.  Keep in mind that references are injected based on the raw type if a name is not specified, so you should use the following form when you test:



          @Service(value=EsbService.class, name="ServiceA")
          public class ServiceA implements EsbService<String, MyClass> {
               public String process(MyClass msg) {
                    // do something
          @Reference("ServiceA") EsbService<String, MyClass> serviceA;
          @Reference("ServiceA2") EsbService<String, String> serviceA2;
          @Reference("ServiceB") EsbService<ClassA, ClassB> serviceB;


          When I get some time, I'll try to test it out myself.




          • 2. Re: Generics support for bean references

            Hi Rob,


            sorry for not explaining it properly. I meant a little bit different scenario.


            Let's suppose we have 2 camel services, each with interface.esb interface. If I would want to call those services  from Java code using @Reference then I'd need to provide two Java interfaces that would conform to input/output message formats. My idea was to provide generalized interface that could be used for access to any such service - technically we can speak about access to BPM and other service implementations as well.

            • 3. Re: Generics support for bean references

              Hey Jiri,


              You do not need to declare distinct interfaces for each service.  The services themselves are named.  The default name for a service declared using @Service or injected using @Reference is the simple name of the class, but you can specify a name for the service, as in the code snippet above.  This is known to work.


              The only question is whether or not a service can be declared using generics (which I suspect is OK, but haven't actually tested).


