2 Replies Latest reply on Aug 31, 2012 3:08 AM by bevor

    rich:toolbarGroup location="right" doesn't work if toolbarGroup location="left" contains not rendered values


      I'd like to use a rich:toolbar containing 2 toolbar groups with rich:toolbarGroup location="left" and rich:toolbarGroup location="right". If I use 2 simple a4j:commandLinks on the left and 1 a4j:commandlink on the right side, everything works well. But when I add an a4j:commandLink with a rendered attribute (which is false at the moment), the one linke from rich:toolbarGroup location="right" slips on the left side. If the rendered attribute is true, everything works well again. Is this a bug? (I can't post code here, because this forum wants to make annoying tables from the code).