2 Replies Latest reply on Aug 31, 2012 10:46 AM by wlam

    JBoss sub-logging in domain model




      I successfully make use of sub-logging in JBoss 7.1.1.Final.  Running JBoss in domain model, I've tried to put the chances I made to standalone.xml to domain.xml.  The "fh.log" is never created.  All logs go to the console and server.logs.  Has anyone tried sub-logging in JBoss for a domain?




                  <file-handler name="FH" autoflush="true">

                       <file relative-to="jboss.server.log.dir" path="fh.log"/>

                      <append value="true"/>


                  <logger category="nycha.iti.Greeting7" use-parent-handlers="false">

                     <level name="ERROR"/>


                          <handler name="FH"/>




      Thank you.