6 Replies Latest reply on Jul 3, 2013 10:36 AM by podiki

    sun-jms-adapter.rar in JBoss AS 7


      We're trying to upgrade one of our applications from JBoss 5 to JBoss 7.1.1. We need our application to be able to receive messages from a JMS topic that is running on a remote WebLogic server. Under JBoss 5, we were using sun-jms-adapter.rar as a resource adapter to make this happen, but we have been unable to successfully get this working on JBoss 7. The adapter is actually deploying, and it looks like our message driven bean is picking up on it and trying to use it, but crashing with a NullPointerException that has the feel of not being configured correctly.


      I'd be happy to walk anyone through the details of what we've got if that's helpful, but before that, I wanted to see if someone could just point out an example that shows specifically how to get sun-jms-adapter.rar up and running in JBoss 7 (annotations on the MessageDriven bean class, configuration in the standalone.xml file, etc.).


      I've searched the Internet high and low for the last few days with no success, but we can't be the only people trying to do this.

        • 1. Re: sun-jms-adapter.rar in JBoss AS 7

          I'm a little surprised that I haven't gotten any responses to this question at all, so I figured I'd share what I've learned here, for the next person who comes along.


          At the moment, I've still been unable to get this working. I'm fairly confident that sun-jms-adapter.rar is not going to cut it under JBoss 7 any more. The way we had it working, we were using interceptors/AOP, which appears to have been removed from JBoss 7. We have not been able to find a decent workaround for this, and we never actually get any messages from the remote JMS topic, nor does WebLogic appear to even know we exist.


          I posted another question to the Iron Jacamar forum, and got a response from them that I might be able to use genericra.rar instead to do this. While I haven't been able to confirm this 100%, it really looks like sun-jms-adapter.rar actually evolved into genericra.rar, or at least, was merged with several other resource adapters to become genericra.rar.


          At the moment, we've still been unsuccessful with genericra.rar, but at least we still have some hope of getting it to work. We've more or less given up on sun-jms-adapter.rar for the time being, unless somebody has some brilliant insights....


          In the mean time, the information that is contained in the answers to my other question seem like the best bet for anyone else in this situation.

          • 2. Re: sun-jms-adapter.rar in JBoss AS 7

            hi RB,


            I am having the exact same issue right now and I'm wondering if you ever found a solution to this problem.

            Thanks for any reply in advance.


            Kind regards,



            • 3. Re: sun-jms-adapter.rar in JBoss AS 7

              I can't speak to the NPE with sun-jms-adapter.rar, but I think you should be able to do your integration with this project.  It has been confirmed to work with Tibco, SonicMQ, and JBoss Messaging.  I imagine it would work with WebLogic as well.

              • 4. Re: sun-jms-adapter.rar in JBoss AS 7

                Thank you, I will try to connect it with weblogic. I need to connect a MDB to a queue running Weblogic. I'm curious to see if I can get that to work.

                On the other hand, wouldn't be more logical to try out HornetQ's JMSJCA adapter? As HornetQ is integrated in JBoss.

                • 5. Re: sun-jms-adapter.rar in JBoss AS 7

                  On the other hand, wouldn't be more logical to try out HornetQ's JMSJCA adapter? As HornetQ is integrated in JBoss.

                  HornetQ's JCA RA is written to work with HornetQ.  It won't work with WebLogic.


                  The project to which I linked is a generic JMS JCA RA which is specifically written to work with multiple different providers.

                  • 6. Re: sun-jms-adapter.rar in JBoss AS 7

                    Thanks, that's good to know. I'll try to out your resource adapter then. Thanks!