10 Replies Latest reply on Sep 3, 2012 3:51 AM by andlio

    How to import BPMN2  XML created  by other tools  to Eclipse and Guvnor



      I would like to be able to import XML file generated by other BPMN2 modeling tool into Eclipse and/or Guvnor and dispaly the diagram. I am new to JBPM and wasn't able to do that. Is there a way one can import externally generated BPMN2 file and then use eclipse or guvnor to modifed the imported diagram?

      Really appreciate any help.




        • 1. Re: How to import BPMN2  XML created  by other tools  to Eclipse and Guvnor

          I also have the same question.  I have a BPMN2 XML that was created in Eclipse.  Now I want to import/view that in Guvnor.


          = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


          Update: You need to add the JBoss/Drools Guvnor plug-in: http://www.jboss.org/tools/download/installation/update_3_2.html


          Once that is installed, the "Right Click On the BPMN -> Guvnor" option appears so that you can "upload" to Guvnor.

          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: How to import BPMN2  XML created  by other tools  to Eclipse and Guvnor

            Hi Chris, we added ability in the jbpm web designer to import existing bpmn2 or json into the designer by selecting a file on your file system or pasting it into a form. This will be available in the next designer version..but for now yes, you could use the Guvnor Repository plugin in Eclipse to connect to your running Guvnor instance and upload the file, or in Guvnor select Create->New File, give it the name and bpmn2 format and then upload it via Guvnor alone.


            Hope this helps.

            • 3. Re: How to import BPMN2  XML created  by other tools  to Eclipse and Guvnor

              Hi Tihomir,


              I'm new in JBoss. I have installed JBoss AS 7 with jBPM and Drools.

              I try to import a BPMN2 file created with Enterprise Architect 9.3. I open the BPMN2 process from "Knowlages > Pacakges > defaultPackage". In the designer, I selected "Import from BPMN2" from the toolbar and select the file.

              But nothing happens...


              Could you help me please ?


              That is the imported file :


              <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>

              <bpmn:definitions id="EAPK_1E29F0E1_5215_4b17_8335_E7B934969322" targetNamespace="www.sparxsystems.com.au/bpmn20" xmlns:ssbp="www.sparxsystems.com.au/bpmn20" xmlns:bpmn="http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:di="http://www.omg.org/spec/DD/20100524/DI" xmlns:bpmndi="http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/DI" xmlns:dc="http://www.omg.org/spec/DD/20100524/DC" exporter="Enterprise Architect" exporterVersion="9.3.933">

                        <bpmn:process id="EAID_DP000000_5215_4b17_8335_E7B934969322">

                                  <bpmn:startEvent id="EAID_B3C0C933_D576_4103_8D8D_B59C92249ECA" name="Start1" isInterrupting="true" parallelMultiple="false"/>

                                  <bpmn:endEvent id="EAID_C656F1B3_C908_4971_9CC9_C35590300A40" name="End1"/>


                        <bpmn:collaboration id="EAID_DC000000_5215_4b17_8335_E7B934969322">

                                  <bpmn:participant id="EAID_PR000000_5215_4b17_8335_E7B934969322" processRef="EAID_DP000000_5215_4b17_8335_E7B934969322"/>

                                  <bpmn:participant id="EAID_PR000000_BE5B_4a95_85B4_FCA2A155FF66" name="process1" processRef="EAID_C75190E3_BE5B_4a95_85B4_FCA2A155FF66"/>


                        <bpmn:process id="EAID_C75190E3_BE5B_4a95_85B4_FCA2A155FF66" name="process1" isClosed="false" processType="None"/>

                        <bpmndi:BPMNDiagram id="EAID_B24E7D18_016A_4020_81C3_B82F0F7C7E61" name="BPMN 2.0">

                                  <bpmndi:BPMNPlane id="EAID_PL000000_016A_4020_81C3_B82F0F7C7E61" bpmnElement="EAID_DP000000_5215_4b17_8335_E7B934969322">

                                            <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="EAID_DO000000_016A_4020_81C3_B82F0F7C7E61" bpmnElement="EAID_C75190E3_BE5B_4a95_85B4_FCA2A155FF66">

                                                      <dc:Bounds x="193" y="215" width="135" height="75"/>


                                            <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="EAID_DO000001_016A_4020_81C3_B82F0F7C7E61" bpmnElement="EAID_B3C0C933_D576_4103_8D8D_B59C92249ECA">

                                                      <dc:Bounds x="253" y="63" width="30" height="30"/>


                                            <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="EAID_DO000002_016A_4020_81C3_B82F0F7C7E61" bpmnElement="EAID_C656F1B3_C908_4971_9CC9_C35590300A40">

                                                      <dc:Bounds x="589" y="198" width="30" height="30"/>




                        <bpmndi:BPMNDiagram id="EAID_85F1FD26_FF1D_4da5_9140_BE4663D3349F" name="process1">

                                  <bpmndi:BPMNPlane id="EAID_PL000000_FF1D_4da5_9140_BE4663D3349F" bpmnElement="EAID_C75190E3_BE5B_4a95_85B4_FCA2A155FF66"/>



              • 4. Re: How to import BPMN2  XML created  by other tools  to Eclipse and Guvnor

                I just understand my mistake : I used a "Business Process shape" instead of "Activity shape"

                • 5. Re: How to import BPMN2  XML created  by other tools  to Eclipse and Guvnor

                  Designer currently supports strictly what the jBPM runtime currently supports. As we add things to the runtime, we also add it to Designer. We could support the entire BPMN2 spec in Designer however it's a trade-off because we focus on being able to create executable business processes in the jBPM 5 runtime. Looking at your bpmn2, Designer would not understand the collaborations and multiple process elements (pools) as the runtime does not support that yet.


                  Hope this helps.

                  • 6. Re: How to import BPMN2  XML created  by other tools  to Eclipse and Guvnor

                    Thank you for your answer.

                    I didn't know that jBPM 5 doesn't support the entire BPMN2 specs.


                    Where could I find the scope supported by jBPM 5 ?

                    • 7. Re: How to import BPMN2  XML created  by other tools  to Eclipse and Guvnor

                      In the documentation

                      • 8. Re: How to import BPMN2  XML created  by other tools  to Eclipse and Guvnor

                        Of course

                        But the documentation is huge


                        Thank you for your help

                        • 9. Re: How to import BPMN2  XML created  by other tools  to Eclipse and Guvnor

                          Chapter 7 contains a table with supported elements and attributes:



                          • 10. Re: How to import BPMN2  XML created  by other tools  to Eclipse and Guvnor

                            Many thanks !!!


                            It's exactly what I was looking for !!