4 Replies Latest reply on Oct 1, 2012 8:51 AM by rlu

    Problems loading ManyToMany Relations


      I have to Entities A and B with many





      public class A {


           @ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)

           private Set<B> b;





      public class B {





      Changes in relationship are written in audit table (A_B_AUD), trying to read an old revision of A AuditReader method forEntitiesAtRevisions returns an empty set for b.

      While using following code resultset contains one element of B, but in database are 2 elements



      public class AuditLogReader {


           public <T> AuditedEntity<T> getAuditVersion(Class<T> type, long id, int revision) {       

                  AuditReader reader = getAuditReader();


      Object[] revisionData = (Object[]) reader.createQuery()

                          .forRevisionsOfEntity(type, false, false)





                  return new AuditedEntity<T>((T)revisionData[0], (RevisionEntity) revisionData[1]);





      The application is ejb3 deployed in jboss 7.1.1.FINAL (containing envers module 4.0.1-FINAL)

      maybe i miss something.

        • 1. Re: Problems loading ManyToMany Relations

          Could you provide a more complete test-case, where entity insertions/modifications are visible?



          • 2. Re: Problems loading ManyToMany Relations

            Hi Adam,


            sorry for long response time. All insertions/modifications on collection are made through



            While creating a standalone testcase envers works as expected. All revisions are returned with correct member sets.

            Differences between real and test code:


            1. Real Code Entities has all annotations on field, test code on method level. (changes on this in both projects causes errors in hibernate, don't know why )
            2. Real Code is deployed in JBAS7.1.1 with Oracle DB, Test code works outside container with h2.
            3. Real code uses an custom AuditData entity which extends DefaultRevisionEntity



            • 3. Re: Problems loading ManyToMany Relations

              Well, hard to say without a test case

              Maybe a starting point would be checking the hibernate errors if you change the annotations ...



              • 4. Re: Problems loading ManyToMany Relations



                we solved our problem. The cause were our initial test data, we have created with plain SQL. So when an relationship references an initial object (with no history) the result set remains empty.

                Solution is to copy initial data to audittable with revision 1.

