0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 6, 2012 6:04 AM by bardelman

    Java code called by a jsp:include is not processed in an .ftl page


      i ve this tag :

      <jsp:include page="<%=(String)request.getAttribute(\"pagetoreq\")%>" />

      and i got the html of the requested page which is the following :

      <form name="taskForm" action="TaskProcessServlet"> <br>
      <%=request.getAttribute(\"user\") %>
      <input type="hidden" name="user" value="<%=request.getAttribute(\"user\") %>" /> <br>
      <input type="hidden" name="taskId" value="<%=request.getAttribute(\"taskId\") %>" /> <br>
      <%=request.getAttribute("taskId") %>
      <input type="hidden" name="taskStatus" value="<%=request.getAttribute(\"taskStatus\") %>" />
      <%=request.getAttribute(\"taskStatus\") %>


      Priority: <input name="priority" value="<%=process.getVariable(\"priority\") %>" /> <br>


      Model Number: <input name="modelNumber" value="<%=process.getVariable(\"modelNumber\") %>" /> <br>
      Quantity ( 1 to 1000): <input name="quantity" value="<%=process.getVariable(\"quantity\") %>" />


      <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="action" /> <br>



      but the problem is that the java code on it isn t processed so i got this at the end :

      <%=request.getAttribute(\"user\") %> " />
      " />
      <%=request.getAttribute("taskId") %> " /> <%=request.getAttribute(\"taskStatus\") %> Priority: " />
      Model Number: " />
      Quantity ( 1 to 1000): " />

      how to make the java code in the called page being processed ? thnx for help !!!