5 Replies Latest reply on Sep 7, 2012 8:33 AM by ctomc

    the example subsystem problem


      I try to build a subsystem follow this https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS71/Extending+JBoss+AS+7 


      i;m failed.i understand the structure , but many details i dont clear.


      can someone give me a complete project?

      do a  example subsystem  "tracker" for me

        • 1. Re: the example subsystem problem



          complete example is here: https://github.com/jbossas/archetypes/tree/master/jboss-as-subsystem-example


          what exactly is your problem? i would like to improve documentation upon new input.





          • 2. Re: the example subsystem problem

            version is different ,some variables i can not find in the context.


            some key code i do not know where to place


            i feel mix.

            • 3. Re: the example subsystem problem

              Can you tell more?


              what version are you using? what version of archetype did you use?


              what is the key code you do not know where to place? what are you trying to do?


              what are the varibales you are looking for?




              • 4. Re: the example subsystem problem

                first i use myeclipse 9 to new a maven project .the archetype version is 7.1.1.beta3

                but create failed,maybe somethine wrong with my myeclipse.


                then i use mvn to create,it work.The project structure looks similar. but the classes' name is different i can not find TrackerService,TrackerExtension..


                now i saw the complete example,maybe that is the key question. the doc first use SubsystemExtension , later the key codes use TrackerExtension


                see the pic,my project is SubsystemExtension ,i found it which the doc say,I think i'm right so far. but later the TrackerExtension make me confusion



                • 5. Re: the example subsystem problem

                  That is ok.


                  archetype creates names of classes based on input you give him. Tracker is just example what can be done.


                  aka SubsystemExtension on right does the same thing as TrackerExtension from example.


                  archetype is done to help people create new extensions not existing ones


