Dear All,
recently I also hit the memory leak problem described in AS7-4975 and JBTM-1183. A workaround is mentioned in these two tickets. But the workaround is seem to be related to the configuration of JBoss 7, the version of JBosss module ironjacamar and the version postgres jdbc driver. So I could not find an exact solution for this issue. Can anyone tell me, what exactly I have to do to work around this problem?
1) how dose the configuration of JBoss 7 look like? Do I just need to add the recover-plugin class definition?
2) do I need a nightly build version of JBoss7 for the recover-plugin xml element? Or it is possible, just exchange the module ironjacamar in JBoss 7.1.1 with a newer version? Because if I switched to ironjacamar-1.1.0.Beta1, JBoss gave an error during booting: "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jboss/jca/common/api/metadata/ds/DataSource$Tag".
3) which version of postgres jdbc driver do I need? Do I have to wait for the release of 9.2 to get a complete solution?
Best Regards,
Karl Gross