8 Replies Latest reply on Dec 9, 2012 10:31 PM by rpraveenkumar

    what does idle-timeout-minutes mean?

      Doe it mean:
      recollect the connection from the application and put it to pool if the application does not use the connection after certian minutes
      physically close the connection if the connection in the pool for about certain minutes.

        • 1. Re: what does idle-timeout-minutes mean?

          Yes. Though your use of "application" suggests you don't understand the notion of "idle".
          A connection idle if it is not used by an application.

          • 2. Re: what does idle-timeout-minutes mean?

            I understand what idle means. However I do not know what the jboss do with the idle connection.
            1. recollect the connection from the application and put it to pool.
            2. physically close the connection.

            Which action will jboss take, 1 or 2?


            • 3. Re: what does idle-timeout-minutes mean?

              You do not know what idle means otherwise you wouldn't be asking such a basic
              question that is answered in the documentation.

              1) A connection is idle if it NOT used by an application (see my response if you didn't understand this before your original post)
              2) If it is idle for too long, "idle-timeout-minutes" it is closed


              <idle-timeout-minutes> - the number of minutes after which unused connections are closed (default 15 minutes)

              If think it is unclear, you are free to update it add clarifications. It is a WIKI.

              You are also free to experiment (also called due dilgence) to actually
              test that your understanding of documentation is correct.

              • 4. Re: what does idle-timeout-minutes mean?

                How does jboss judge whether the connection is used by an application or not? Suppose the application has connection leak. It hold a reference to the conneciton, but there is no sql activity. Should jboss collect the connection from application in this case?

                • 5. Re: what does idle-timeout-minutes mean?

                  If the application does not close the connection and jboss has not been told
                  to keep track of unclosed connections (i.e. jboss closes it for the application when it is buggy), the connection is treated as still in use.

                  • 6. Re: what does idle-timeout-minutes mean?

                    I am also confused about the functioning of <idle-timeout-minutes.

                    I have used the folloeing tags in xxx-ds.xml






                    I understand the functioning of min and max pool size.

                    but i don understand what will  <idle-timeout-minutes>5</idle-timeout-minutes> do???
                    Will it relaease the connectkion to the pool when it is idle for more than 5 minutes or will the connection get closed.




                    Thank you.

                    • 7. Re: what does idle-timeout-minutes mean?

                      Its idle in the pool - after 5 mins it will closed (released)

                      • 8. Re: what does idle-timeout-minutes mean?



                        i understand what is <idle-timeout-minutes>


                        consider i set,


                        min pool size as 10

                        max pool size as 12

                        idle timeout minutes as 5


                        if not even a single connection is used by the application for the past 20 minutes, will only the 2 connections from the pool be closed? or all 12 connections will be closed? because i set  min pool size as 10....


                        pls reply sir..